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Motorcycle Blog

Do Motorcycle Helmets Expire?

Do Motorcycle Helmets Expire?

July 07, 2022

Motorcycle helmets are the necessity for any motorcycle rider. Like many other things, helmets are subject to wear and tear and have a limited lifespan. No matter how often or how careful you use your helmet, it will eventually reach a time when they are no longer usable or safe for continued use. Even your top-of-the-line helmet is no exception.

At some point, you will have to replace your helmet but the question is when?

Do motorcycle helmets expire? How long does a motorcycle helmet last? Helmets have a limited lifespan. Different parts of the helmet will degrade at different speeds and some parts are more important than others. This is affected by a number of factors like dirt, ultraviolet rays, and body sweat, along with normal wear and tear. It is also affected by how and where the helmet is stored when not in use. Generally, it is advisable to replace your helmet five years after you purchase it or seven years after the production date found on the helmet, provided that the helmet has not experienced any accidents or significant impact.


Looking after your helmet

Heat, sweat, dust, and bacteria can leave an unpleasant smell and look on your helmet. Taking good care of your helmet and keeping it in good condition will help you stay protected when wearing them and extend its life. Here are some basic tips on how to keep your helmet looking and smelling fresh.

Handle your helmet with care. Even if helmets are designed to absorb impact, constantly dropping your helmet can cause damage. It can also create dents in the visor or cracks that can weaken your helmet.

Wash your helmet. Clean your helmet’s pads and liners periodically and only use pure clean water or helmet cleaner if needed. Harsh chemicals from average cleaning products can damage the helmet’s protective coating. Don’t forget to air-dry it after each ride to keep smells at bay until laundry day. Always refer to your helmet’s manufacturer care instructions manual.

Store your helmet properly. The best way to store your helmet is high up from the ground. Place it inside a padded helmet bag, helmet storage rack, helmet hook, or storage cabinet. Keep it in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight and protected from rain.


Do you need to replace your helmet if you drop it?

You should always check your helmet for any possible damage if you do drop it. They may not break, and they may not show exterior signs of damage, but the constant impact on your helmet decreases the strength of the fibres on your helmet, decreasing its ability to protect your noggin. The general rule is if you have a crash that results in a head knock, where the helmet has taken the brunt of the damage, then yes it’s usually time to replace your helmet. All though this can be an expensive endeavor, the helmet has done its job and as stated above, even if it’s not showing any exterior damage the internal liners can be severely damaged and may not protect you in the same way again if you continue to wear it.


Signs you need a new helmet:

Helmets are one of the most essential motorcycle protective pieces that you can purchase. Some riders replace their helmets earlier than they need to, but there are also some that continuously use their helmet past its prime years. Whilst there is no definite timeline as to when you should upgrade your helmet, using updated and modern helmets not only keeps you safe but also gives you all the benefits of the latest safety technology available in the market. Here are some signs you may need a new helmet:

1. Age - How old is your helmet?

The most commonly used sign to replace a motorcycle helmet is to check the age of the helmet. If your helmet is older than five years, there is a very good chance that you might have been missing out on a lot of new features and innovations that have been made in the helmet industry. As well as the EPS liners and internal features potentially degrading over time. If you have not updated the product for quite a few years now, consider buying a new one.

2. Usage - How often do you use your helmet?

If you’re always out on the road day in and out, your helmet is probably showing signs of wear and tear by now. It may not be entirely visible but regular usage weakens the integrity of your helmet over time.

3. Impact - Have you been in an accident?

You must replace a helmet after any crash where your head is hit. Wearing a broken helmet will not serve you any protection. The foam part of a helmet is made for one-time use. Be thankful that the helmet did its job. But after crushing once, it is no longer as protective as it was, even if it still looks intact.

4. Loose helmet - Can you not adjust it to fit correctly?

Motorcycle helmet should snugly fit your head even if you try to shake it. To know if it still fits your head perfectly or not, shake your head side-to-side.  Does it remain firm and tight on your head? Or does it wobble around? If it’s sloppy and wobbling around on your head, chances are your padding has become compacted and may be time to get a replacement. 

5. Deterioration - Is the interior still of your helmet still intact?

The lining and foam inside of the helmet are usually the areas that get damaged first. Wear and tear caused by regular use of the helmet can add to the faster deterioration of the linings and paddings. Over time, the interior part of the helmet can start to peel off making it feel uncomfortable to wear. If your helmet comes with replaceable inner linings and paddings, it’s best to replace it immediately or purchase a new helmet.

6. Strap or lock failure - Have the straps stopped working properly? 

Since chin straps are exposed to the elements like rain, you may notice that your strap locks have become corroded due to weather and dirt. Chin straps can fail and you wouldn’t want your chin strap to snap right when you need it the most. If this part does not work properly then this might be the right time to consider getting a strap replacement or buying a new helmet.

With all this information, remember that the main purpose of your helmet is to protect your brain and head from any serious injury. It wouldn’t hurt to spend a few dollars on a quality helmet compared to the amount of money it’ll cause you in case of an accident. 

Choose the best helmet for you today, browse through our wide selection of helmets from the best brands in the industry. AMA Warehouse stocks premium motorcycle gear and equipment in Australia. Looking for more motorcycle guide? Check out our Motorcycle Blog.